"Realtà di punta della scena underground italiana degli ultimi anni, gli emiliani Votiva Lux rappresentano l'ala più sperimentale del rock alternativo nostrano, tra psichedelia alla Pink Floyd e post-rock "spaziale" stile Tortoise" (Ondarock, 2002)
Excerpt from the Mission website (www.themissionuk.com news page 11th of Feb 2003).
Words by Wayne:
"One of the highlights for me of the last year was having the opportunity to perform at 2 of my solo Italian shows with one of my current favourite bands, Votiva Lux. As I've told you before, their album "Solaris" is one of my favorite albums of 2002 […]"
[>] - 1996 | 1998 - 2000 | 2001 - 2002 | 2003 - 2004 | 2005 - [>] |
Giulio Sangirardi – Electric, Acoustic And Midi Guitar, E-bow, Feedback, Sampling (1988-2004)
Gabriele Bufalini – Bass, Synthesizers, Electric Piano, Effects, Programming (1988-present)
Andrea Ghidini – Electric And Acoustic Guitar, E-bow, Feedback, Programming (1996-present)
Stefano Grassi – Drums (1997-2003)
Andrea ‘Trionide’ Mussi – Moog synthesizers, live and studio sessions guest (2000-2003)